Marble and Mud

Marble and Mud
Photo by Arno Smit / Unsplash

Marble and Mud is a collection of short articles and offerings dedicated to helping you learn, understand, organize, simplify and manage through all the chaos that life brings. From Modern Homesteading to Permaculture, Spirituality, Holistic Healing and everything in between.

In this space it is my intention to share and bring forth all of the knowledge and experiences that I have accumulated over the past decade. My goal is to provide you with a quick snapshot of information that you can use in your everyday life to help grow, expand, awaken or just survive through the chaos that is life right now. It might be tips for time or money management, gardening struggles, journaling prompts, a herbal recipe or an article that helps guide you along your spiritual journey. It also might just be a random thought on the chaos that is the world we live in currently.

We are being called to step back. To move into our authentic selves. To remember and learn the skills that society says we no longer need. To work with our hands and become conscious producers. The goal is to step away from being a mindless consumer into something constructive that lights a fire in our souls again. The past shouldn’t be glorified, but it should be remembered and brought forward so that the world we leave our children is better than the one we are living in now.

I have so much amazing content I want to share that has helped me through becoming a mom, learning to homestead, the ups and downs of gardening, my spiritual path and so much more. I know you'll find something here that is for you and I am beyond excited to put forth this offering of experience, knowledge and community.

My Story

Hey there! I'm Krista and here on our 2.5 acre homestead in rural Southwestern Ontario, Canada I grow many things including 4 wild and free little souls with my partner in choas, Corey. I have had many different blogs and adventures in business over the last 10 years and everything I have accomplished has led me to this point in time. During this chapter in life I am full. Full of love, full of stress, full of kisses, cuddles and stinky sticky messes. I am full of gratitude and awe that despite the chaos that the world gave us these last few years that I have the skills and tools needed to raise the next generation of children with discernment. I grew into my own authenticity. I found my voice and I stood confident in my morals, beliefs and convictions. I have accomplished many things in life, and I proudly call myself a serial learner.

Knowledge is what fuels my soul and creating is my passion.

This was taken early winter 2022, I was 36wks pregnant with babygirl.

Aside from a self taught Homesteader & Mom, I am a Personal Support Worker, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Spiritual Healing Advisor and Crystal Healing Practitioner. I have taken courses in Holistic Nutrition, Hot Stone Massage, Chakra Healing, Vibrational Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Theology and Spirituality, Permaculture, Agriculture and Environmental Management. I have extensively and continue to study Tarot, Witchcraft - Druidism, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Development, Indigo Children and Starseeds. Numerology and all things Holistic Health & Healing.

Marble & Mud is my awakening journey, I hope it helps guide and nudge you along yours.

Connect with like minded people

When you sign up you're welcomed into a community of like minded subscribers who share the same interests and who are managing the same wild unruly chapter in life that you are. We are a holistic and authentic community dedicated to growth, expansion, healing, surviving and thriving through the chaos.

Marble and Mud is an independent publication launched in August 2023. If you subscribe today, all future articles will automatically be delivered to your inbox and you will be able to comment and connect with others. If you choose to support Marble and Mud through a Full Membership you will also get access to exclusive content as well as all ebooks, printables and courses that get added to the site. Your subscription makes this journey possible and allows Marble and Mud to continue to exist. Thank you!

Marble and Mud is currently occupying social media space on Instagram and Pinterest. You can find me there under the name @marble_and_mud